The Cartel was a big part of Dallas. The members worked with Ewing Oil a lot. Some of the members of
the cartel have bios on the guest cast page. This page has the history of the cartel.
Jock Ewing was a founding member of the cartel. The other members are as follows:
Jebson Ames, Sr. (deceased), Ames Oil (They were expelled from the cartel in 1980 due to illegal activities.)
Punk Anderson, Anderson Oil (retired)
Jordan Lee (deceased), Lee Oil, retired and was assassinated in 1990.
Andy Bradley (retired), Bradley Oil
John Ross Ewing, Sr. (deceased), Ewing Oil
William Joseph Garr, Sr. (deceased), Garr Oil (They were expelled from the cartel for illegal activities.)
Martin Hurst (deceased), Hurst Oil (The name was changed when Martin died and his daughter's husband, Seth
Stone became CEO, when Seth died Marilee, Martin's daughter CEO of Stonehurst Oil. She is retired.)
Wade Luce, (retired) Luce Oil (Sold the company to Rebecca Wentworth and it is now run by her son, Clifford
Barnes and became Barnes Wentworth Oil. Cliff is retired.)
Lucas Wade (deceased), Wade Oil (The company went bankrupt after Lucas died and was auctioned off.)