Charlene Tilton played Lucy Ewing on Dallas. Lucy was the daughter of Jock and Ellie's second son, Gary. Gary
was sent away by JR just after Lucy was born. Lucy's mother tried to leave with her, but JR had her brought back and he warned
Valene not to come get her. Lucy was raised by Jock and Ellie at Southfork. Lucy was a wild teen who did not know
what no meant. She had flings with boys, partied and never went to school. She even burned the letters saying that
she was not attending school. It took Pamela Barnes Ewing to get her back in school. Pamela saw herself in Lucy
and wanted her to finish school. Thanks to Pamela she did just that. Gary and Valene returned to Southfork
when Lucy was in her late teens to marry again and move to California. (A show came out of their move called Kotts Landing.
It was a prime time soap in the 1980's and 1990's.)
She remained in Dallas and married Mitch Cooper, a guy going though medical school. Lucy soon started modeling when
she stopped college. She wanted to have her own money so she could continue to live the way she had growing up, but Mitch
believed money should be earned. The modeling gave her that money and she became the first Miss. Young Dallas. It did
not go over well with Mitch who had old values. Soon their marriage went bust just after she was raped by her photographer,
Roger Larson. Mitch moved to Altanta. She fell in love with many man before and after her marriage to Mitch, but the
only other man to touch her as Mitch did was Mickey Trotter. Sadly, he died after a car accident cause by JR's tricks. Mickey
helped her get over her rape and helped her to love again and they would have married had Mickey not died. After that she
went to find Mitch in Atlanta and they married again in 1985. She left the show and returned in 1988. She remained on the
show till 1990.
Charlene Tilton did not act as much as her other female co-stars. In fact her best work to date was on Dallas
and in appearences before Dallas. She is working on acting again last I heard. I hope she does act again and make
a mark that she has not in years. She is a truly talented actress who deserves a chance to show her gifts.

Below is a scene capture of Pam and Lucy. Pam has just learned of Lucy's pregnancy resulting in her being
raped by Roger the photographer. This happened just before her divorce from Mitch (they were already seperated) and before
she met Mickey.

Season 4 Screen Captures of Lucy from Christo. (Below)

Lucy with her best friend, Muriel played by Karlene Crockett. (below) Muriel first appeared in episode 29
(John Ewing III Part 2) and last appeared in episode 122 (Legacy). Muriel disappears from Dallas without explination after
episode 122.
